Researchers are often required to perform many bioassays which involve a great deal of Pipetting. Much of this type of work needs to be performed under a biological safety hood which requires the user to pipet using tedious arm positions and motions. Using conventional pipettors over extended periods many people have reported nerve damage and carpal tunnel syndrome. The design of the Drummond Pipette-Aid XL was developed to alter the required pipetting motion that seemed to be causing the problem. The longer, lightweight handle enables the user to rest his or her elbow on the front edge of the hood counter and shortens the motion required to perform the same pipetting operation as with a conventional pipettor. The result is substantially reduced strain on the user’s shoulder, arm, and hand. Drummond has received numerous testimonials from actual users reporting the benefits of the ergonomic design of the Pipet-Aid XL. Some of these testimonials can be reviewed here.